12 Quotations FoundID:2461
In Ne'ilah [the closing prayer] of Yom Kippur, what did he [the Cohen] say? 'And Hashem will bless you from Zion and you will see the good of Jerusalem all of the days of your life.'
Jerusalem is like a city that people are friendly together; a city in which all [the people of] Israel are friends when the tribes ascend there for the pilgrimage.
Jerusalem will only be redeemed through [the merit of giving] charity.
One who stands [in prayer] in Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel) should direct his heart towards Jerusalem, if he was standing in Jerusalem, he should direct his heart towards the holy Temple.
The trees of Jerusalem were of cinnamon, but when it was destroyed, they were hidden away.
There are three gates to Gehinam (purgatory) - one of them is in Jerusalem.
There were 480 places of worship (Synagogues) in Jerusalem, and each one of them had a school for Scriptures (Bible) and a learning center for the Mishna (the oral law).
There were no days as glorious for the people of Israel as the fifteenth of Av [the Hebrew Month] and as Yom Kippur, when the daughters of Jerusalem would come outside with borrowed white garments and dance in the vineyards.
To what does 'In the city of Gold' refer? To the Golden Jerusalem (crown) like that that Rabbi Akiva made for
his wife.
Whoever mourns for Jerusalem will be meritorious and will see its rejoicing and all who do not mourn for Jerusalem will not see it's rejoicing.
A snake or scorpion never bit anyone in Jerusalem and a person never said to his fellow there is not enough room for me to sleep in Jerusalem.
The Jerusalem of this world is not like the Jerusalem in the next world [in Heaven]. The Jerusalem of this world, anyone who wants to ascend there, may ascend; but the one of the next world, only those who are prepared for it may ascend.